Thursday, December 31, 2009


Just give yourself a minute...every day

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog title part 3

Thank god I am a father again... I'm a little late on this blog cause it means sleeping days and working nighs with the ...Maya up with me ...(not unlike my regular job I go back to on monday)
so still waking up in mid afternoon if not late afternoon, not getting any younger!

Monday, July 06, 2009

oh brother

he got married in ghana here is a pic.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

not a welcome rip

To remember Michael The way I want you gotta go back to the beginning with the jackson 5, the cartoon when he was an innocent youngster and had his whole life ahead of him...

Now playing: Jackson 5 - Abc
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Star Trek and beyond

Saw Star trek with John today it reminded me that ten years ago me and Sal used to go and the Last time I went to rollin roster (besides today) was with him. 16 year friend 7 year enemy. Its always good to remind yourself that Life is constantly changing. good movie though...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

not einstein but..

Here's something to think about: How come you never see a headline like 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?
- Jay Leno

I am a good man

I had a dream ...where I had to defend my Integrity against people who would object many staples of who I am . I was essentially defending my life against my peers, people I know well ..and not so well sat in an audience room where i fought against two prosecutors (played by Ralph & Nigel) and I won on attitude, fairness, truth, and strange enough even won workmanship... I lost appearance and odor) truth is If I didn't wake up I probably wouldn't have remembered the dream, looking back I lost on procrastination again but my change in workmanship eased that one a little bit. I'm rambling but before i had to pee and woke up they were giving me applause; for who and what I represent and that is a good man

a final gift ... that is worth a lot considering the day

Monday, February 23, 2009

And the winner is...

Nobody ... or Slumdog Millionaire depending on the question. Work fallout is increasing but I think its gonna be ok. Donna  is ... trying to deal with the solutions at hand,(I am dealing with the problems of those solutions) this may get touchy..

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Vacation & New year

Many people don't know but I'm on vacation. which is strange because 1) I didn't get winter vacations and 2)never for the new year. So went to Myrtle Beach sans Good I.D( read last post) and had fun with the family was the first time in years that my mother brother and sister were together for x-mas. was fun maybe we will do it again in a couple years... Happy New Year to all. It was a fast and interesting year. Hope for better this Year. And Have fun. seven hours in and its a great year so far!